A Year In Review


A little over a year ago, we began an incredible journey by launching the Lightning Clout website. When we first launched, we knew we wanted to help people find their ideal careers, but we never expected everything that the year would have in store! We’ve touched many lives, taught valuable skills, and learned a good bit ourselves along the way. And since a full year is an important benchmark for any endeavor, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on where we’ve been and focus on what’s ahead.

Where We've Been

When Lightning Clout first launched, we were a team of only two. It was difficult at times, and a lot of work, but we believed in our cause and pressed onward. As the year progressed, we grew from two team members to five, and now we stand at a full eight! With each additional mind, we grow stronger and more able to help through our services. We are extremely grateful for each member of our team for their countless hours improving Lightning Clout and helping us reach new heights.

As Lightning Clout grew, so did our ambitions. When we set out, our main goal was to help individuals create better professional documents ad present themselves in the best light possible. However, we understood that the job market is an evolving field, so we would need to evolve with it. We improved our services to include interview preparation, career counseling, and assistance with high school resumes. In addition, we sought out meaningful cooperation with other businesses to better the lives of those around us. Such cooperation lead to our involvement in self.ISH™  LLC, a movement to help women develop not only professionally, but personally as well. Each day brings us new opportunities, and we plan on seizing every one of them!

At the moment, today’s market may be the best suited to find a new career, and Lightning Clout is here to help. We’ve learned over the past year that the biggest struggle for most applicants lies in at least one of several areas:

·       Unsure of where or how to begin looking

·       Poorly constructed professional documents

·       Lack of interview preparation

·       Incomplete of vision for the future.


Realizing this, we at Lightning Clout created a comprehensive suite of services that we have dubbed the Lightning Clout Life-Cycle. By following the Life-Cycle, we help burgeoning professionals not only find rewarding employment, but also success in their new positions.

Where We're Going

Looking forward, we will continue to strive for excellence as always. From new ways to serve the community to new and positive partnerships, there’s always room to grow, and we plan to take advantage of that. In the coming months we hope to establish a partnership to assist those less fortunate, be it formerly incarcerated, domestic violence victims, or troubled youth. We understand that those from troubled backgrounds are just as deserving of a brighter tomorrow, and we want to help.

While it’s fun to look back and admire what we’ve accomplished, we know our best days are still ahead. So let’s start off our second year by helping you. Use the discount code "LCYEAR1" and receive (15%) off when you book a service. Also, keep an eye out for the new Lightning Clout Life-Cycle service packages that will be available soon! After all, our business is to help you, and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon!

Thank you so much from all of us at Lightning Clout for the amazing year. Now let’s do it again!